Slough Community Transport & Shopmobility
We are proud to be able to continue to run our services as safely as possible. All our staff members continue to wear the appropriate PPE as well as ensuring the buses are sanitised between uses.
We kindly ask anyone traveling in our vehicles to continue to wear a mask unless medically exempt. Hand gel is available on each bus.
Throughout the pandemic, our team of 22 staff and volunteers have been extremely busy carrying out over 20,000 deliveries!! This
included PPE deliveries to local care homes and hospitals,
food deliveries to isolated members of the community,
medication deliveries, providing essential travel services
for key
workers as well as working with other local charities to
efficiently be able to support the community through
the pandemic. We played a key role in providing transport
to the most vulnerable members of the community to local
vaccination centres to receive their COVID-19 vaccine.
Whilst working through very strange times, we are extremely proud to have been able to serve our community in such a time of need.